although english is the customary means of communication in public and private life, it is not the official language of the us 意味
- 英語は公私の生活において慣例として伝達手段となっているがアメリカの公用語ではない
- "although (being)" 意味
- "although 500 years have passed, his work retains its freshness. 500" 意味
- "although a bit tiring" 意味
- "although a physician by vocation, he was a botanist by avocation" 意味
- "although both are addictive, when compared with heroin, methadone is clearly the lesser of two evils" 意味
- "although feminism is essentially a political issue, its social ramifications mean that…" 意味
- "although fiction, the story has a basis in fact" 意味
- "although greatly outnumbered" 意味
- "although hard pressed, the team eventually won" 意味
- "although a physician by vocation, he was a botanist by avocation" 意味
- "although both are addictive, when compared with heroin, methadone is clearly the lesser of two evils" 意味
- "although feminism is essentially a political issue, its social ramifications mean that…" 意味
- "although fiction, the story has a basis in fact" 意味